The Mission of the
Texas Southeast Second Jurisdiction
To Equip, Edify, and Enhance the Local Church in Kingdom Building: such that every Church can expect to grow spiritually, numerically, and financially, as an individual church, a corporate body and as a strong and healthy Jurisdiction.
To Augment, Assist and Aid the local Pastor to develop their leadership skills, and assist the local Pastors, Leading Women and Congregations to identify and achieve the great objective of the Church of God in Christ: to Glorify God, to Evangelize the World and to Edify the Believer.
To provide opportunities for Ministerial Excellence to male and female through Training and Development on every level and in all we do, loving people and honoring God in the service we provide.
To provide a support system for local Pastors, Leading Women and Congregations through positive interaction and fellowship where Leaders can feel safe, secure, respected, bonds of mutual trust, inspiration and assistance in promoting God’s Kingdom.
To impact, model and promote the Urban Initiative; Education, Economic Development, Crime Prevention, Family Life and Financial Literacy as tools to advance God’s Kingdom agenda through the Local Church and in The Earth.